Cipamingkis River Fieldtrip

Integrated Stratigraphic Analysis
Saturday, November 18, 2000
Trip leader : Alit Ascaria, Ph.D (Pertamina) and Agus Guntoro, Ph.D (Trisakti University)

The trip is designed to closely observe the well-known producing unit for most oil/gas field onoffshore Northwest Java Sea: Cibulakan Formation. An Approximately 400 meter thick of continuous section of interbedded shales, sandstones, siltstones and limestone of Jatiluhur Formation crops-out in Cipamingkis River, Jonggol area, West Java. The outcrop is located approximately 60 km southeast of Jakarta. The sedimentological characteristics of this outcrop has been interpreted to have a strong resemblance to the Arco Offshore Northwest Java primary hydrocarbon producing interval: the “Main” interval of Upper Cibulakan Formation. In this locality, reservoir geometry and heterogeneity will be examined to help determine the stratal complexity and facies discontinuity of subsurface data. In general, the entire section of the Cipamingkis River outcrop can be divided into two major units. In the lower unit, the sandbodies tend to have sharp basal contact with variable thickness and thinning (pinch-out) in some cases to zero can capped by thick shoreface sandstone. The upper unit is dominated by shales and mudstones lithofacies with interbedded bioturbated sandstones and capped by skeletal limestone lithofacies. The reservoirs are dominated by sharp based, bioturbated, glauconite-rich sandstones. The sandstone bodies exhibit a range of burrowing from less burrowed to completely bioturbated. A diverse population of ichnofossils are common in the sandstone bodies which can be used as an indicator for paleodepositional environment. Physical sedimentary structures are rarely preserved , perhaps due to intensive burrowing. However, there are some local occurrences of small scale cross-stratifications within the sandstone bodies. The geometry of sandbodies is elongated, narrowed and limited in distribution.Microfossil data from thin sections, seismic and outcrops will be used in this field trip to integrated stratigraphic analysis of the reservoirs.

The following photographs provide a sight of what can be seen at the Cipamingkis River area.


Panoramic photo of sharp-based shelfal sandstone at the Cipamingkis River.


Slump structure at the Cipamingkis River.


Burrow feature at the Cipamingkis River.

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Modern Mahakam Delta

A blogpost version of FOSI foldouts series #1, compiled by H. Darman, F. H. Sidi, A. Wiweko, B. Lambert & B. Seto, 1999.


The Mahakam Delta, located on the east coast of Kalimantan, Indonesia, is an active delta system which has formed in humid tropical environment under condition of relatively high tides, low wave-energy, and large fluvial input. Tidal processes control the sediment distribution patterns in the deltamouth and are responsible for the flaring estuarine-type inlets and numerous tidal flats.

Mahakam Delta from the Air


Mahakam Delta Morphology


The Mahakam delta exhibits a symmetrical fan-shaped morphology typical of fluvial-dominated deltas accumulating in shallow water. The delta plain is densely vegetated and incised by fluvial distributaries and tidal channels. The fluvial distributaries are rectilinear and bifurcate seaward from the Mahakam river. They are groped into a northern system and a southern distributary system while the central part of the delta forms a tide-dominant interdistributary zone characterized by sinuous, esturarine-like tidal channels (Allen & Mercier, 1994)

The general morphology of the delta can be divided into three radially concentric systems: the delta plain, delta front, and prodelta.

Mahakam Delta Facies Distribution


The modern Mahakam Delta can be divided into six facies units:

  1. Fluvial delta plain
  2. Tidal delta plain
  3. Distributary channel
  4. Tidal channel
  5. Tidal mud flats
  6. Mouth bar


Fluvial Distributary Channel

  1. organic clay
  2. rippled sand-mud lamination
  3. cross bedded medium sand with carbonaceous laminae

Tidal Distributary Channel

  1. rippled sand-mud lamination with scattered burrows
  2. cross bedded and rippled fine to medium sand with mud laminae

Distributary Mouth Bar

  1. fine to medium bioturbated sand
  2. bioturbated mud with fine sand
  3. massive prodelta mud



Stratigraphic interpretation of a high-resolution seismic dip section in the Mahakam delta (modified from Roberts and Sydow, 1996). The prograding clinoforms beneath the modern (highstand) delta represent the late Pleistocene lowstand delta that prograded to the edge of the shelf and was subsequently transgressed during the Holocene sea-level rise. The master sequence boundary in this instance is expressed as a correlative conformity located beneath the early lowstand delta, which, in turn, is overlain by an unconformity and incised distributary channels associated with higher frequency sequence boundaries punctuating the period of relative sea-level fall. The transgressive systems tract consists of carbonate shoals, onto which the prodelta muds of the modern highstand delta presently downlap.


Schematic illustration of Pleistocene sequence stacking patterns (modified from Allen and Chambers, 1998) shows delta progradation was continuous during relative sea-level fall, so that the sand deposits of the highstand and early lowstand systems tracts are attached; an unconformity separates the early and late lowstand phases. The most obvious discontinuities in this type of sequence pattern are the maximum flooding surfaces and the unconformities between the early and late lowstand.




When you go to the modern delta system, along the rivers and river mouth, what you’ll see are mainly water and vegetations. Those are what recorded by the remote sensing images. As the natural vegetation is also dictated by a combination those factors which form the delta, we need to look at the vegetation as well.


Researcher, field trip leader, and other contributor to the science of the Mahakam Delta:

  1. George P. Allen
  2. Chuck Siemers
  3. John Chambers
  4. Andang Bachtiar
  5. Ateng Surachmat
  6. Agung Wiweko
  7. B. Giriansyah
  8. Angus Fergusson


Lambert, B., 2003. Micropalaeontological investigations in the modern Mahakam Delta, East Kalimantan (Indonesia). Notebooks on Geology, Article 2003/02.

Other Imagesdunes_DMB












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Berita Sedimentologi Vol. 49 No. 1


Berita Sedimentologi Vol. 49 No. 1 (April 2023) has been published and is now available in the Journal portal of IAGI (open-access). You can visit and read this publication at the FOSI Journal Vol. 49 No. 1.

This issue of Berita Sedimentologi contains 3 manuscripts as follow:

  • ‘Banda Terrane’ basement and cover in the Noil Meto River section, southern West Timor (Timor Barat, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia), authored by Tim R. Charlton & Adept Titu-Eki
  • Paleogene paleogeographic reconstructions of the Kutai Basin: Refinement based on outcrop and subsurface data, authored by Herman Darman
  • A Discussion on the relationship between prominent unconformities on the SCS shelf margins and the end of seafloor spreading in the South China Sea, authored by Franz L. Kessler & John Jong
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Berita Sedimentologi Vol. 48 No. 1 – Sulawesi

Berita Sedimentologi Vol. 48 No. 1 has just been published and can be downloaded by clicking the cover below. This issue contains some papers on Sulawesi Island.

For those who wants to read individual papers only, please visit Berita Sedimentologi’s new portal at Happy reading!

Click here to download the full issue of Berita Sedimentologi Vol. 48 No. 3

Click here to download the full issue of Berita Sedimentologi Vol. 48 No. 3

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Berita Sedimentologi Vol. 47 No. 3 – Special Edition

Dear Readers,

Berita Sedimentologi Vol. 47 No. 3 was published in December 2021 and has been made available in the new website of IAGI Journal since last year. This issue of Berita Sedimentologi is a Special Edition that contains extended abstracts and abstracts which were presented at the Digital Conference entitled “Milestones of Palaeontology and Quaternary Geology in Indonesia”. The conference took place on the 22nd and 23rd of March 2021 and was aimed to honor Prof. Yahdi Zaim’s retirement from Institute of Technology Bandung. Prof. Zaim is also the founder of FOSI and has significant contribution to the development of Quaternary Geology in Indonesia.

Please visit the new Berita Sedimentologi website at FOSI Journal Website to read the Special Edition of Berita Sedimentologi.

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Berita Sedimentologi Vol. 47 No. 2


We’re excited to announce that Berita Sedimentologi Vol. 47 No. 2 has just been published and is available in our Online Journal Portal at:

The full issue can also be downloaded via this website by click the cover below.


Berita Sedimentologi Vol. 47 No. 2 contains the following articles:

  • Eocene Sediments in the South China Sea, precursor deposits of the Oligocene expansion? – Franz L. Kessler et al.
  • The hidden sedimentary basin underneath the Quaternary volcanic unit in Bogor and Kendeng area – Erlangga Septama et al.
  • Source rock characterization and oil grouping in the NW Java, Central Java and NE Java Basins, Indonesia – Ragil Pratiwi
  • Undiscovered Potential in the Basement: Exploring in Sumatra for oil and gas in naturally fractured and weathered basement reservoirs – Tako Koning et al.
  • Indonesian Stratigraphic Nomenclature revision: The first progress report – Herman Darman et al.

We hope this issue is interesting and will be useful to geoscientific community in Indonesia and SE Asia.

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Berita Sedimentologi No. 47 is Now Published

Berita Sedimentologi No. 47

Click cover image to download Berita Sedimentologi No. 47

Berita Sedimentologi No. 47 has been published and is now available online. Please download it by clicking the cover image above or from the following link.

Berita Sedimentologi No. 47 focuses on Borneo Island and contains two research papers on Sarawak and a review article on the Devonian Limestones of Telen River in East Kalimantan. We also included a short biography article on Dr. August Tobler, one the pioneers who worked on geological mapping in South Sumatra and Jambi in 1900 to 1912.

Here are the contents of Berita Sedimentologi No. 47:

  • Provenance of Pleistocene sediments in West Sarawak and evidence for Pliocene acid magmatism in Central Borneo – H. Tim Breitfeld
  • The sedimentary record of Paleogene sequences in Sarawak, Malaysia – Franz L. Kessler, John Jong and Mazlan Madon
  • Tracing the provenance of the Devonian Limestone of Telen River, East Kalimantan – Herman Darman
  • August Tobler, the Swiss pioneer of South Sumatra geological mapping, 1900-1912 – J.T. (Han) van Gorsel and Bernhard Gunzenhauser
  • Errata for “Jozef Zwierzycki, a prolific Polish geological expert in Indonesia, 1914-1938” – J.T. (Han) van Gorsel, Alina Chrzastek and Anna Gorecka-Nowak

The next Berita Sedimentologi is planned for publication in August 2021 and will focus on Java Island. We’re now seeking potential contributors to submit manuscripts before the end of July. If you’re interested to publish with us, please contact one of our editors. In the meantime, we hope this issue will be useful to you. Happy reading and stay safe!

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Milestones of Palaeontology and Quaternary Geology in Indonesia (22-23 Maret 2021)

Note: English version is available here

Rekan-rekan yang terhormat,

Dengan senang hati kami mengundang Anda untuk mengikuti Digital Conference “Milestones of Palaeontology and Quaternary Geology in Indonesia”, yang akan berlangsung pada tanggal 22 – 23 Maret 2021. Konferensi ini diselenggarakan secara khusus dalam rangka purnabakti Prof. Dr. Ir. Yahdi Zaim mulai April 2021. Konferensi ini akan memaparkan dan membahas aspek integratif dari bidang-bidang yang ditekuni Prof. Yahdi Zaim selama karirnya di bidang keilmuan paleontologi dan geologi Kuarter. Sejak tahun 1990-an Prof. Zaim telah aktif terlibat dan mengembangkan ilmu paleontologi dan geologi Kuarter di berbagai lokasi di Indonesia bersama rekan-rekan dan kolaborator dari dalam dan luar negeri. Dalam lingkup pendidikan, Prof. Dr. Yahdi Zaim telah berhasil membimbing dan meluluskan lebih dari 80 mahasiswa baik di bidang geologi pada umumnya maupun bidang lain yang lebih spesifik.

Acara penting ini merupakan kesempatan bagi rekan-rekan Prof. Zaim serta mahasiswa beliau yang masih aktif dibimbing serta yang telah lulus untuk menghormati karirnya dan menandai perannya dalam perkembangan cabang paleontologi dan geologi Kuarter di Indonesia. Presentasi pada konferensi ini akan dibagi menjadi 3 sesi, yaitu: “Human Palaeontology and Geoarchaeology”, “General Paleontology” dan “Quaternary Geology and Sedimentology” (program tentatif terlampir di poster).

Konferensi ini terbuka untuk umum dan tidak dipungut biaya. Untuk pendaftaran konferensi, silahkan isi dan kirimkan formulir online ( hingga 20 Maret 2021. Konferensi akan berlangsung secara online dengan menggunakan platform Zoom. Anda akan menerima konfirmasi pada alamat email anda sehari sebelum konferensi, bersama dengan link untuk buku abstrak. Sertifikat elektronik akan tersedia untuk peserta berdasarkan permintaan. Untuk pertanyaan mengenai konferensi ini, silakan email kami di

Kami sangat menantikan kehadiran Anda di konferensi ini.

Aswan dan Mika Rizki Puspaningrum
Kelompok Penelitian Paleontologi dan Geologi Kuarter, Institut Teknologi Bandung

Konferensi ini diselenggarakan oleh:
Program Studi Teknik Geologi, Institut Teknologi Bandung
FOSI- Forum Ahli Sedimentologi Indonesia, Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia (IAGI)

Dan didukung oleh:
Fakultas Ilmu dan Teknologi Kebumian, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Ikatan Alumni Teknik Geologi ITB
Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia (IAGI)
PT Aneka Tambang Tbk. Indonesia (ANTAM)

Milestones of palaeontology and quaternary geology in Indonesia

Conference program (tentative)

Conference program (tentative)

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Milestones of Palaeontology and Quaternary Geology in Indonesia (22-23 March 2021)

Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to Digital Conference “Milestones of Palaeontology and Quaternary Geology in Indonesia”, which will take place on 22 – 23 March 2021. This is a special conference to celebrate Prof. Dr. Ir. Yahdi Zaim’s Retirement in April 2021. This conference will present and discuss integrative aspects of the fields in which Prof. Yahdi Zaim has been active throughout his career in palaeontology and Quaternary geology. Since the 1990’s Prof. Zaim has been actively involving and developing in palaeontology and Quaternary geology in various locations in Indonesia along with his colleagues and collaborators from Indonesia and abroad. In the educational scope, Prof. Dr. Yahdi Zaim has successfully supervised and graduated more than 80 students both in geology in general and in other more specific fields.

This important event is the principal opportunity for Prof. Zaim’s colleagues as well as current and former students to honor his career and mark his role in the development of the branch of palaeontology and Quaternary geology in Indonesia. Presentations at this conference will be divided into 3 sessions in which he actively developed, namely: “Human Palaeontology and Geoarchaeology”, “General Palaeontology” and “Quaternary Geology and Sedimentology” (Tentative program is attached in the poster).

This conference is open for public, the admission is free of charge and we very much hope that you are interested to participate. For registration to the conference, please fill in and submit the online form ( until 20 March 2021. The conference will take place online by using Zoom platform. You will receive a confirmation by email a day prior to the conference, together with the link for abstract book. E-certificate will be available for participants by request. For any questions and inquiries regarding to this conference, please email us at

We very much look forward to seeing you in this conference.

Kind regards,
Aswan and Mika Rizki Puspaningrum
Paleontology and Quaternary Geology Research Group, Bandung Institute of Technology

This conference is organized by:
Geological Engineering Study Program, Bandung Institute of Technology
FOSI- Indonesia Sedimentologist Forum, Indonesian Association of Geologist (IAGI)

And supported by:
Faculty of Earth Sciences and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology
Ikatan Alumni Teknik Geologi ITB
Indonesian Association of Geologist (IAGI)
PT Aneka Tambang Tbk. Indonesia (ANTAM)

Milestones of palaeontology and quaternary geology in Indonesia

Conference program (tentative)

Conference program (tentative)

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Berita Sedimentologi No. 46 is Now Online!

Dear FOSI members and readers,

We are excited to announce that Berita Sedimentologi No. 46 has been published and can now be downloaded from the following link or by clicking the cover image below:

Berita Sedimentologi No. 46 contains the following articles:

  • Sedimentary record of Paleogene sequences in the Penyu and Malay Basins, offshore Peninsular Malaysia by Franz L. Kessler, John Jong and Mazlan Madon
  • Seismic expression of Paleogene Talangakar Formation – Asri & Sunda Basins, Java Sea, Indonesia by Dwandari Ralanarko, Deni Wahyuadi, Pranowo Nugroho, Wrahaspati Rulandoko, Ildrem Syafri, Abdurrokhim Almabrury and Andi Agus Nur
  • Hydrocarbon prospectivity and petroleum system in West Sumatra Forearc Basin by Perdana Rakhmana Putra and Rusalida Ragunawati
  • Hydrocarbon columns of oil and gas fields in the South Sumatra Basin by Veridaus Napitupulu, Miftahul Jannah, Michael Silaen and Herman Darman
  • Jozef Zwierzycki, a prolific Polish geological mapping expert in Indonesia, 1914-1938 by J.T (Han) van Gorsel, Alina Chrzastek and Anna Gorecka-Nowak

Due to file size limitation, we had to upload a slightly lower resolution version of BS No. 46 into this website. Should readers need a standard resolution version of our publication, please contact our editors.

We hope this publication will contribute towards better geological understanding of the discussed areas and if you have any feedback please do not hesitate to contact us.

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